Unlike a car, a tractor is a multi-purpose vehicle which can carry or pull much more than its own weight, over all types of terrain. These demands are managed by your tyres and the disparity between these demands is the reason why it is important to always have the right pressure settings, to make
Your tractor tyres play a key role for braking safely
Of all your tractor’s safety devices, the overall braking system is the most important one. And contrary to popular belief, it is not made up only of discs, pads or vacuum servo. Also your tractor tyres are essential to obtain the best possible adhesion and transmit maximum braking power to the ground. There is no point deciding to install a new braking system if your tractor tyres are too worn,...
What is the link between the agricultural tyre and the farmer’s health
When discussing tractor tyres, we often talk about soil preservation, crop yields and the use of low-pressure tyres to avoid soil compaction, but there is another aspect linked to your agricultural tyres which is rarely mentioned: preserving the farmer’s health!
You are the keystone of your farm, the director of your business and without you nothing is possible, so preserving your health is...
The latest generation agricultural tyres improve your safety
The air pressure in your tractor tyres, the choice of associated technology, the general condition of your tractor are all factors which allow you to carry out your daily tasks in the best possible safety conditions.
How to reduce the impact of tractor vibrations?
The vibrations to which tractor operators are exposed on a daily basis have an impact on their health. Problems of vision, digestive problems and lumbar deformations are the direct consequences of these vibrations.
The tractor vibrations are passed on directly to your body and consequently are harmful to your health. They come from wheel-to-ground contact and spread through the tyre, moving on...
The causes and consequences of tractor overturning
In the agricultural world, one out of three accidents involves agricultural machinery (rollovers, activities carried out underneath electrical wires, road accidents inter alia..). More specifically, each year, accidents involving vehicle overturning cause 20 to 30 deaths.
Tractor rollovers occur following a loss of contact between ground and tyre. The notion of ground/tyre contact differs...
Innovating means protecting the farmer’s health for his safety
The agricultural equipment sector is committed to seeking perpetual innovations to offer its clients equipment which complies with standards and offers comfort and safety.
Suspended front axle and cab, braking system with yaw control, electronic stability programmes are all part of the equipment and devices available to help limit vibrations and loss of ground/tyre contact.
Don’t forget that...