Which is better value? A cheap agricultural tyre or a VF tractor tyre

When the time comes to change your tractor tyres, you will most likely ask yourself if a cheap agricultural tyre is really the best choice? Your need to reduce costs and the current economic situation may naturally encourage you to choose a cheap farming tyre or to look at the latest deals.

However, contrary to appearances, a new, high quality VF tyre, while being more expensive to buy, will...

The VF agricultural tyre: VF technology increases your productivity

In farms which are increasingly large, with fields which are widely dispersed, farm machinery specialists have been looking closely into tools capable of facilitating the work of farmers, by allowing them to carry out a greater volume of work with reduced man hours.

These evolutions have not escaped the notice of the agricultural tyre industry which has come up with a solution in the shape of...

A hi-tech agricultural tyre to save time during your harvest

There’s just a month and a half left to prepare your harvest. This important period can become a nightmare if your machinery doesn’t perform or if you haven’t prepared your harvester correctly. It will have to work intensively during your harvestwhich represents an important part of your revenue and often the return on investment for your year’s work.

So, how can you harvest more quickly when...

Do you know which are the best agricultural tyres for your sprayer?

Sprayers, whether towed or self-propelled, drive repetitively and always in the same part of a field. This is why it is particularly important to choose the right tyres to reduce the impact of your machine’s wheels on your crops in the driving zones, limit loss of yield and increase your productivity.

What is the best tyre for my combine harvester, IF, VF or CFO?

For your security, your comfort, the protection of your soil and your budget, the choice of tyres for your combine harvester is hugely important to enable you to work in the best conditions.

How to choose tyres for my farm trailer before the harvest?

Harvest is nearly here; you have just inspected your trailer tyres which have been resting all winter. You may have noticed that they will soon need to be changed, but you don’t know which tyres to replace them with.

Here are a few indications to determine which agricultural tyres will be best suited to your trailer and to other machines such as your sprayer or slurry tanker.


A high-performance agricultural tire that lasts longer