Is a track adjustable rim better suited to your high-tech tyres?

Are adjustable rims better than welded rims?

Farm profitability can be boosted with a combination of small improvements at every level which, taken together, lead to real benefits. Among these improvements, the choice of rims for your agricultural machinery can lead to an increase in your profitability.  The rim is the tyre’s essential ally. If you invest in high-tech tyres to improve traction, protect your soil or increase the load that your vehicles can carry, it is crucial to choose rims which will really allow you to carry out precision farming.
An adjustable rim, unlike a welded rim, will allow you to adapt the tractor track exactly to your type of crop, by avoiding crushing part of your seedlings or by gaining a few extra rows per plot. Opting for a track adjustable rim is a strategic investment which improves your efficiency with better yields, while making sure your crops are protected.

In this article you will find all the advice you need to make an enlightened choice when it comes to deciding between a fixed welded rim and a track adjustable rim:

1. What are the benefits of a track adjustable rim?

It is common to consider that the rim represents the set of elements at the centre of the tyre.  Yet the rim is only the ring which maintains the tyre while the disc is the central element on which the hub relies. These two sets of units make up the wheel.

1: The rim 2: The disc 1+2: The wheel
1: The rim  2: The disc  1+2: The wheel

The role of the disc is important because when is it adjustable, it can be positioned in different ways. Adjustable rims therefore offer unparalleled flexibility for farmers, allowing them to adapt their equipment to their crops.

Track adjustable rims
Track adjustable rims

More versatility and a better adaptation capacity

Here are the main benefits of track adjustable rims:

  • Track adjustment: by modifying the width of your tractor track, you can optimise its performance capacity. A narrower or wider track can make it easier to pass between the rows without damaging the crops. Rim offset settings make it possible to adjust the position of the wheels with respect to the centreline of the vehicle, thus improving your machine’s adaptation capacity.

  • More versatility: track adjustable rims are compatible with a wide range of tyres (standard, VF, IF), offering greater versatility for your machine in terms of adapting to different types of soil or crop.

Save money and improve production

  • By adapting the track width to your crop planting, you avoid squashing the young seedlings during passages through the field, leading to better yields at harvest time.

  • Perfect control over the track width allows you to densify planting operations and increase the number of crop rows in your field.

  • Reduction of costs: by investing in track adjustable rims, you can equip several machines with the same wheels, simply adapting the position of the disc to correspond to another vehicle, thus reducing the number of tyres required on your farm.
Adapting the track for treatment operations
Adapting the track for treatment operations


2. Is a track adjustable rim better than a welded rim?

The choice between a track adjustable rim and a welded rim is a decision which has a direct impact on the versatility and efficiency of your equipment. Each of these options has pros and cons which must be carefully taken into consideration based on the specific needs of each farm.

The track adjustable rim: a made-to-measure solution

One of the main advantages of the track adjustable rim lies in its capacity to adapt to different track widths.

Depending on the positions of the disc within the rim, it is possible to obtain 16 different offset settings. Either with positive offset, with the disc placed towards the exterior of the rim to obtain a reduced work track, or negative offset, with the disc placed towards the interior of the rim to obtain a wider work track.

track adjustable rim
Positive offset at the top: the disc is on the outside of the rim
No offset in the middle: the disc is centred
Negative offset at the bottom: the disc is on the inside of the rim

This flexibility is essential for adapting to different crops and changes in agricultural practices. A track adjustable rim makes it possible to work very precisely between rows, thus reducing losses and increasing yields.

16 disc positions which correspond to 16 offset settings with the disc cavity at 100
16 disc positions which correspond to 16 offset settings with the disc cavity at 100

Simplicity and efficiency

The simplicity of the attachment system is another advantage of the track adjustable rim. As the support surface of the hub is standard, the wheel attachment system remains the same, the adjustment of the width of the track is done only at the level of the position and direction of the disc within the rim. This characteristic simplifies the wheel adaptation possibility and in certain cases avoids having several types of wheel or tyre.

The limits of the welded rim

Inversely, fixed (welded) rims have more limitations because no offset is possible. The width of the track is therefore relatively fixed, thus limiting the possibilities of adapting to different crops and working conditions. This limitation can be a handicap, especially when you wish to optimise the space between the rows. This can lead to loss of yields if the wheels are not perfectly positioned between the rows and end up crushing part of the seedlings with each passing of the vehicle.

Impact of fixed rims and tyres on crop development
Impact of fixed rims and tyres on crop development


3. In which cases are welded rims preferable?

Although track adjustable rims offer many advantages, they are not always the ideal solution. Constraints linked to load and speed may limit the use of track adjustable rims, especially for vehicles equipped with extra-large tyres. The latter are often associated with large, powerful agricultural machines such as harvesting vehicles (combine harvester, self-propelled beet harvester, etc.) which place a great deal of strain on the wheels.

Fixed track rims
Fixed track rims

Weak points for track adjustable rims

The design itself of the track adjustable rim, with its multiple bolts, can become a limiting factor in these conditions. As it is bolted (from 6 to 12 bolts) the force transfer takes place at the level of each bolt, which is not recommended for heavier vehicles, especially if they are driving with a load on the road and at speed. The distribution of forces to the precise bolt attachment points can generate a considerable amount of strain at the level of each bolt, leading to a risk of torsion or rupture with the corresponding safety risks.

Deformation at the level of adjustable disc bolts
Deformation at the level of adjustable disc bolts

Welded rims are more suitable for heavy loads

To  counter these weak points, fixed rims appear to be a more sturdy alternative. For powerful tractors or very large vehicles, welded rims present less of a risk and offer greater resistance. The welding creates a strong and continuous link between the disc and the rim, offering a better distribution of the strain and greater resistance.  This continuity of the structure makes it possible to absorb the efforts linked to torque better and to reduce the risk of material fatigue.

Welded rims for heavy loads
Welded rims for heavy loads


4. Which rim with which tyre for precision work?

The rim/tyre association is a winning duo if you are looking to optimise agricultural vehicle performance and ensure precision work at every level. Choosing quality for each element is essential, because it’s the complementarity of these elements which makes it possible to benefit fully from each technology.

If you want to get the most from your high-tech tyres, such as VF tyres, you will need to combine them with suitable rims. These premium tyres, designed to offer a better load capacity, reduce soil compaction and improve driving comfort, require track adjustable rims that are perfectly suited to bring out their potential to the full.

High-tech tyres with premium rims

For example, the combination of VF VT-Tractor tyres and track adjustable rims offers many benefits:

  • A reduction in soil compaction: VF tyres, associated with track adjustable rims, make it possible to pass between seedlings and spread the load to the ground over a larger surface area over the length of the tyre, thus reducing the pressure to the ground and limiting damage caused to crops.

  • Better traction: VF VT-TRACTOR tyres reduce soil disturbance, improve adherence and traction, even in difficult conditions, thus guaranteeing better motricity and work efficiency.

  • An unequalled driving comfort: the flexibility of VF tyres, associated with the rim balancing precision, reduces vibrations while driving and therefore improves driver comfort.

VT-TRACTOR tyres and track adjustable rims
VT-TRACTOR tyres and track adjustable rims

Choose premium track adjustable rims

To really reap the most from high-tech tyres, the best option is to choose a premium rim. This type of rim faces many quality control checks:

  • Premium rims are made with standardised metals, components and welding. This very strict design guarantees the quality of the rim. It can be adjusted to the nearest millimetre so that offset settings are perfectly balanced.

  • Premium rims are subject to rigorous testing, such as out-of-roundness controls to guarantee perfect concentricity.
    Out-of-roundness in the rim can cause the wheel to be imbalanced, generating vibrations, irregular tyre wear and loss of stability. Premium rims are machine finished with precision to avoid this type of defect.
Premium Sodijantes track adjustable rims for narrow wheels
Premium Sodijantes track adjustable rims for narrow wheels


The choice between a track adjustable rim and a welded rim is decisive in optimising performance levels on the farm. While the welded rim offers greater sturdiness, it’s the track adjustable rim that is the most versatile. By making it possible to adapt track width to different crops and working conditions, it contributes to crop protection and boosts yields.
By associating a premium track adjustable rim and high-tech tyres such as the VT-Tractor tyre, you obtain better traction, a reduction in soil compaction and greater driving comfort.
Investing in a premium track adjustable rim combined with VT-Tractor tyres is a very efficient solution for farmers seeking to optimise their yields.


The blog is written and administered by tractor tyre experts who are available to provide you with the advice you need on the subject of your agricultural tyres. They allow you to maximise your productivity with information on all subjects linked to tyres: Cheap tractor tyres — Technical data for agricultural tyres — Air pressure advice — Solutions to avoid soil compaction — Sprayer tyre pressure — Why and how to ballast your tractor tyres — When to use dual wheels — The mechanical causes of abnormal wear — Cheap agricultural tyres – etc.

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This information is intended only to make you aware of the technical and functional aspects of agricultural tires and their use. It does not allow you to make a judgment or a definitive conclusion on a given problem. Only your agricultural tire expert is able to make a technical assessment and take a final decision, case by case.

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